Notes & Learnings from Q Con London 2014 - Day 3
Gunter Dueck - The World after Cloud Computing & Big Data Gunter is a funny and intelligent man with a delivery style I would compare to that of a stand-up comedian. Some of his content was on dangerous ground, but he also made some very interesting points. Gunter showed a diagram similar to the above which illustrates the choices we face when creating an IT solution, which I'm inclined to agree with. He also showed another diagram which I'll re-create in list form. Creative. Skilled. Rote work. Robotic work. Gunter made the point that work starts off at the top of this list and gradually works it's way down until eventually it's fully automated. What I took away... Make sure your work is as close to the top of the list as possible. Akmal B Chaudri - Next Gen Hadoop: Gather around the campfire and I will tell you a good YARN This talk was aimed at Hadoop novices which was perfect for me and also the rea...